Version 2 (modified by on Aug 13, 2014 at 12:08:18 AM) ( diff ) | ,
Table of Contents
Trac は強力なコマンドラインの管理ツールとともに配布されています。このツールで Trac を管理/設定し、インストールを用途に合わせてカスタマイズすることができます。
ここに挙げる操作の一部は 管理 (英語版では Admin) Web インタフェースでも実行することができます。バージョン 0.11 以降で WebAdmin プラグインは Trac 本体に統合されました。
ほぼ全ての trac-admin
コマンドにおいて、以下の例に示す通り、第1引数には管理対象とする TracEnvironment のパスを指定する必要があります:
trac-admin /path/to/projenv wiki list
唯一の例外は help
コマンドで、 Environment を指定しない場合でも動作し、使用できるコマンドの簡易なリスト (help
や initenv
のような) を表示します。同じリストは、引数を指定せずに trac-admin
また trac-admin --version
を使用すると (0.12 のような形式の) Trac のバージョンを表示します。
使用できるコマンドやサブコマンドの完全なリストを取得したい場合は、 Environment のパスを指定してください:
trac-admin /path/to/projenv help
一部のコマンドでは、 help
trac-admin /path/to/projenv help <command>
trac-admin <targetdir> initenv
このサブコマンドは、指定された <targetdir>
に TracEnvironment を作成する、とても重要なコマンドです。対象のディレクトリが実行時に存在するとエラーになります。
initenv [<projectname> <db>] Create and initialize a new environment If no arguments are given, then the required parameters are requested interactively unless the optional argument `--config` is specified. One or more optional arguments --inherit=PATH can be used to specify the "[inherit] file" option at environment creation time, so that only the options not already specified in one of the global configuration files are written to the conf/trac.ini file of the newly created environment. Relative paths are resolved relative to the "conf" directory of the new environment. The optional argument --config=PATH can be used to specify a configuration file that is used to populate the environment configuration. The arguments <projectname>, <db> and any other arguments passed in the invocation are optional, but if specified will override values in the configuration file.
オプションを使用すると、グローバルな設定ファイルを指定することができます。このファイルは複数の Environment 間で共有されます。共有する設定ファイルを後から設定したい場合は、 Environment に含まれる conf/trac.ini
ファイルに [inherit] file
オプションを設定してください。 Environment 作成時のオプションでグローバルな設定ファイルを指定すると、自動的に conf/trac.ini
詳細は TracIni#グローバルな設定 を参照してください。
Note: Trac のバージョン 0.11 では initenv
の最終引数 <templatepath>
が廃止されました。この引数は以前のバージョンでは templates
ディレクトリの場所を指定するのに使用されていました。現在のコマンドはワンライナーでは 'trac-admin /path/to/trac/ initenv <projectname> <db> <repostype> <repospath>
' となるので、以前と同じ引数で起動すると 'Wrong number of arguments to initenv: 4
' というエラーが発生します。このエラーが発生した場合、 古い バージョンの Trac に同梱されている trac-admin
は TracEnvironment のパスだけを引数に指定して起動した場合、対話モードになります。
プロンプトから入力したコマンドは指定した TracEnvironment に対して実行します。
コマンドを Tab キーで補完する機能と、最後に実行したコマンドを繰り返す機能が提供されます (非 Windows 環境の場合、 Python が readline
モジュールを使用できる必要があります) 。
例えば、 resync
> help resync
Wiki に関するすべてのコマンドのヘルプを得るためには、以下のように実行します:
> help wiki
以下に示すのは trac-admin
で標準的に使用できる全てのコマンドの詳細なヘルプです。 trac-admin <yourenv> help
で表示されるリストとは一致しないこともありますが、 Environment で無効化されているコンポーネントに由来するコマンドは表示されず、逆に Environment で有効化されているプラグインによって提供されるコマンドが別途表示されるためです。
help Show documentation initenv [<projectname> <db>] Create and initialize a new environment If no arguments are given, then the required parameters are requested interactively unless the optional argument `--config` is specified. One or more optional arguments --inherit=PATH can be used to specify the "[inherit] file" option at environment creation time, so that only the options not already specified in one of the global configuration files are written to the conf/trac.ini file of the newly created environment. Relative paths are resolved relative to the "conf" directory of the new environment. The optional argument --config=PATH can be used to specify a configuration file that is used to populate the environment configuration. The arguments <projectname>, <db> and any other arguments passed in the invocation are optional, but if specified will override values in the configuration file. attachment add <realm:id> <path> [author] [description] Attach a file to a resource The resource is identified by its realm and identifier. The attachment will be named according to the base name of the file. attachment export <realm:id> <name> [destination] Export an attachment from a resource to file or stdout The resource is identified by its realm and identifier. If no destination is specified, the attachment is output to stdout. attachment list <realm:id> List attachments of a resource The resource is identified by its realm and identifier. attachment move <realm:id> <name> <new_realm:new_id> <new_name> Rename or move an attachment to another resource The resource is identified by its realm and identifier. attachment remove <realm:id> <name> Remove an attachment from a resource The resource is identified by its realm and identifier. changeset added <repos> <rev> [rev] [...] Notify trac about changesets added to a repository This command should be called from a post-commit hook. It will trigger a cache update and notify components about the addition. changeset modified <repos> <rev> [rev] [...] Notify trac about changesets modified in a repository This command should be called from a post-revprop hook after revision properties like the commit message, author or date have been changed. It will trigger a cache update for the given revisions and notify components about the change. component add <name> [owner] Add component component chown <name> <owner> Change component owner component list Show components component remove <name> Remove component component rename <name> <newname> Rename component config get <section> <option> Get the value of the given option in "trac.ini" config remove <section> [<option>] Remove the specified option or section from "trac.ini" config set <section> <option> <value> Set the value for the given option in "trac.ini" convert_db <dburi> [new_env] Convert database Converts the database backend in the environment in which the command is run (in-place), or in a new copy of the environment. For an in-place conversion, the data is copied to the database specified in <dburi> and the [trac] database setting is changed to point to the new database. The new database must be empty, which for an SQLite database means the file should not exist. The data in the existing database is left unmodified. For a database conversion in a new copy of the environment, the environment in which the command is executed is copied and the [trac] database setting is changed in the new environment. The existing environment is left unmodified. Be sure to create a backup (see `hotcopy`) before converting the database, particularly when doing an in-place conversion. deploy <directory> Extract static resources from Trac and all plugins hotcopy <backupdir> [--no-database] Make a hot backup copy of an environment The database is backed up to the 'db' directory of the destination, unless the --no-database option is specified. milestone add <name> [due] Add milestone milestone completed <name> <completed> Set milestone complete date The <completed> date must be specified in the "MM/dd/YY hh:mm:ss" or "YYYY- MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm" (ISO 8601) format. Alternatively, "now" can be used to set the completion date to the current time. To remove the completion date from a milestone, specify an empty string (""). milestone due <name> <due> Set milestone due date The <due> date must be specified in the "MM/dd/YY hh:mm:ss" or "YYYY-MM- DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm" (ISO 8601) format. Alternatively, "now" can be used to set the due date to the current time. To remove the due date from a milestone, specify an empty string (""). milestone list Show milestones milestone remove <name> Remove milestone milestone rename <name> <newname> Rename milestone permission add <user> <action> [action] [...] Add a new permission rule permission export [file] Export permission rules to a file or stdout as CSV permission import [file] Import permission rules from a file or stdin as CSV permission list [user] List permission rules permission remove <user> <action> [action] [...] Remove a permission rule priority add <value> Add a priority value option priority change <value> <newvalue> Change a priority value priority list Show possible ticket priorities priority order <value> up|down Move a priority value up or down in the list priority remove <value> Remove a priority value repository add <repos> <dir> [type] Add a source repository repository alias <name> <target> Create an alias for a repository repository list List source repositories repository remove <repos> Remove a source repository repository resync <repos> [rev] Re-synchronize trac with repositories When [rev] is specified, only that revision is synchronized. Otherwise, the complete revision history is synchronized. Note that this operation can take a long time to complete. If synchronization gets interrupted, it can be resumed later using the `sync` command. <repos> must be the repository name, not the repository path. Use `list` to see a list of repository names and associated paths. To synchronize all repositories, specify "*" for <repos>. The default repository can be specified using "(default)". repository set <repos> <key> <value> Set an attribute of a repository The following keys are supported: alias, description, dir, hidden, name, sync_per_request, type, url repository sync <repos> [rev] Resume synchronization of repositories It works like `resync`, except that it doesn't clear the already synchronized changesets, so it's a better way to resume an interrupted `resync`. See `resync` help for detailed usage. resolution add <value> Add a resolution value option resolution change <value> <newvalue> Change a resolution value resolution list Show possible ticket resolutions resolution order <value> up|down Move a resolution value up or down in the list resolution remove <value> Remove a resolution value session add <sid[:0|1]> [name] [email] Create a session for the given sid Populates the name and email attributes for the given session. Adding a suffix ':0' to the sid makes the session unauthenticated, and a suffix ':1' makes it authenticated (the default if no suffix is specified). session delete <sid[:0|1]> [...] Delete the session of the specified sid An sid suffix ':0' operates on an unauthenticated session with the given sid, and a suffix ':1' on an authenticated session (the default). Specifying the sid 'anonymous' will delete all anonymous sessions. session list [sid[:0|1]] [...] List the name and email for the given sids Specifying the sid 'anonymous' lists all unauthenticated sessions, and 'authenticated' all authenticated sessions. '*' lists all sessions, and is the default if no sids are given. An sid suffix ':0' operates on an unauthenticated session with the given sid, and a suffix ':1' on an authenticated session (the default). session purge <age> Purge anonymous sessions older than given age or date Age may be specified as a relative time like "90 days ago", or as a date in the "MM/dd/YY hh:mm:ss" or "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm" (ISO 8601) format. session set <name|email|default_handler> <sid[:0|1]> <value> Set the name or email attribute of the given sid An sid suffix ':0' operates on an unauthenticated session with the given sid, and a suffix ':1' on an authenticated session (the default). severity add <value> Add a severity value option severity change <value> <newvalue> Change a severity value severity list Show possible ticket severities severity order <value> up|down Move a severity value up or down in the list severity remove <value> Remove a severity value ticket remove <ticket#> Remove ticket ticket remove_comment <ticket#> <comment#> Remove ticket comment ticket_type add <value> Add a ticket type ticket_type change <value> <newvalue> Change a ticket type ticket_type list Show possible ticket types ticket_type order <value> up|down Move a ticket type up or down in the list ticket_type remove <value> Remove a ticket type upgrade [--no-backup] Upgrade database to current version The database is backed up to the directory specified by [trac] backup_dir (the default is 'db'), unless the --no-backup option is specified. The shorthand alias -b can also be used to specify --no-backup. version add <name> [time] Add version version list Show versions version remove <name> Remove version version rename <name> <newname> Rename version version time <name> <time> Set version date The <time> must be specified in the "MM/dd/YY hh:mm:ss" or "YYYY-MM- DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm" (ISO 8601) format. Alternatively, "now" can be used to set the version date to the current time. To remove the date from a version, specify an empty string (""). wiki dump <directory> [page] [...] Export wiki pages to files named by title Individual wiki page names can be specified after the directory. A name ending with a * means that all wiki pages starting with that prefix should be dumped. If no name is specified, all wiki pages are dumped. wiki export <page> [file] Export wiki page to file or stdout wiki import <page> [file] Import wiki page from file or stdin wiki list List wiki pages wiki load <path> [...] Import wiki pages from files If a given path is a file, it is imported as a page with the name of the file. If a path is a directory, all files in that directory are imported. wiki remove <page> Remove wiki page wiki rename <page> <new_name> Rename wiki page wiki replace <path> [...] Replace content of wiki pages from files (DANGEROUS!) This command replaces the content of the last version of one or more wiki pages with new content. The previous content is lost, and no new entry is created in the page history. The metadata of the page (time, author) is not changed either. If a given path is a file, it is imported as a page with the name of the file. If a path is a directory, all files in that directory are imported. WARNING: This operation results in the loss of the previous content and cannot be undone. It may be advisable to backup the current content using "wiki dump" beforehand. wiki upgrade Upgrade default wiki pages to current version
See also: TracGuide, TracBackup, TracPermissions, TracEnvironment, TracIni, TracMigrate